Pa kādam jokam (angliski un daži krieviski)

Q. How can you tell when a firefighter is dead????
A. The remote control slips from his hand.

There is a report that a 2 seater private plane has crashed into a cemetery in Poland. The fire department has reported recovering over 300 bodies and are still digging.

A firefighter died and went to hell where he finds a wall of clocks.
After seeing all these clocks on a wall, with his friends names under them, he asked the devil, what the clocks mean?
"That's easy, each time one of your friends mess up on earth, their clock speeds up one hour." says the devil.
"I don't see the Chiefs clock anywhere?" the fireman says.
The devil replied, "Oh him, we have his down in the basement, we're using it for a fan."

How firefighter's identify a HAZMAT chemical using the new:
"Tri-Cop-Scope Method"

Method 1. Officer standing/Car running: Not hazardous
Method 2. Officer unconscious/Car running: Toxic fumes.
Method 3. Officer unconscious/Car stalled: Oxygen displacing chemical.
Method 4. Officer/Car both melting: Acidic chemical.
Method 5. Officer/Car on fire: Extremely flammable.

- How many cops does it take to screw in a light bulb?
- Just one, but he is never around when you need him.

How many cop jokes are there? Just two, all the rest are true!

Грузинский загадка: Какой разниц мэжду пустой партсигар и круглий сирота? 
Отгадка: Партсигар бэз папирос, а круглий сирота и бэз папирос, и без мамирос.

Капитан говорит сержанту:
- Сержант! Хотите получить лейтенанта?
- Конечно хочу!
- Вот адрес, поедите и заберете лейтенанта Иванова из вытрезвителя.